Titanic is a Drama and Romantic story about a ship that goes from Southam pton to New York. One of the characters is a young artist called Jack Dawson who falls in love with a rich passanger called Rose de Witt Bukater. Jack steals Rose from her husband, Cal Hockley. There is a spectacular scene in the film where the Titanic hits an iceberg and it sinks. Jack helps Rose to survive, but he dies because the water is icy. There are a lot of good actors in the movie, Leonardo Di Caprio plays Jack Dawson, the poor artist, and Billy Zane plays Cal Hockley, Rose' s husband. Rose de Witt Bukater is played by a British actress called Kate Winslet. It' s a very interesting story especially when the ship sinks (Mateo). The film I choose is called "ALIEN VS PREDATOR". It´s an action and horror film. It´s about two alien races that fight against each other: Predators and Aliens. Predators have the Aliens imprisioned in an underground pyramid in Antarctica. They come to Earth eve...